ELA Websites:


Spelling City!  - This is a great site to practise the words for our all of our spelling units! 

Remember to check in your home-school journal for the date of your next spelling test 4J!




Big Huge Labs 

(magazine cover) 


(Word Clouds) 

4J Typing - Your individual progress!


Keyboarding Games!


Figurative Language


Simile Song


Idioms - Everyday Idioms Made easy

The Fourteenth Goldfish

by Jennifer Holm - book trailer


Out of My Mind

by Sharon Draper - book trailer


Charisse's Story (A girl with cerebral palsy)

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (Book Trailer)


Sadako Book Trailer


24 Hour Aftermath of Hiroshima 

24 Hour Aftermath of Hiroshima (Part2)


Children's Day (Japanese Holiday)


Easy Directions: How to Fold a Paper Crane


Kimono Bookmarks

Grammar Skills:


Using Conjunctions

Friendly Letter