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Multiplication Strategies:
x 0 = the answer is always 0
x 1 = the answer is always the other factor
x 2 = we use the doubles strategy
x 5 = counting by 5’s
Number twins: We have a few sayings that help us:
4 x 4 = 16 You have to be 16 to drive a 4x4.
6 x 6 = 36 We chant out this fact as if it is is a “rap”
7 x 7 = 49 The number seven begins with the “ssss” sound, just like the “SSSSS”San Fransisco 49ers.
8 x 8 = 64 Skate, skate, slip on the floor, 8 x 8 is 64!
x 3 – double the other factor and then add the other fact one time
example: for 8 x 3 we can think 8+8 = 16 and then add 8 again which = 24
x 4 – half the four (so it becomes a 2), and double the other number
example: 4 x 6
would become 2 x 12 which = 24
x9 - One strategy is to look at the other factor & the digit in the “tens” place of the answer will be 1 less than the other factor. The sum of the digits in the answer will add up to 9, helping one to figure out the “units.” This does sound a little confusing written out! Maybe an example will help:
7 x 9 = _____
One less than 7 is 6, so the first digit in our answer is 6. (in the “tens” place)
7x 9 = 6__
Since the 2 digits in the answer must add up to 9, we must think 6 + ? = 9. The number is 3. Therefore, 7 x 9 = 63
The second strategy for x9 is called “chismbop,” which is a finger strategy. Have your child show you how to use it! Here’s how it works:
Hold up both hands in front of you, fingers apart, palms facing away from you. Now bend over the finger that you want to multiply nine by, counting fingers from left to right. For example, to multiple nine by six, bend over the thumb on your right hand (the sixth finger).
Count the number of fingers to the left of the bent finger. This is your “tens”position. Count the number of fingers to the right of the bent finger. This is your “units” position. If you bend over the sixth finger, you have five fingers to the left and four fingers to the right of the thumb. Therefore, 9x6=54.
I have a few sayings that help with the last few facts:
6 x 7 are neighbours. They really don’t like cooking so they call a restaurant and make reservations “for two!” (42)! 6x7=42
6 x 8 are good friends. They have been friends “for” “eight” years! (48)! 6x8=48
7 x 8 is 56 It’s like we’re counting, “5, 6, 7, 8” 7x8=56
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